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Tag: girl

Total 154 Posts

Desire Matures

When I was in jr. high, all I wanted was a girl with large breasts.In high school, I dated a girl with large breasts, but there was no passion. So I decided I needed a passionate girl.In college, I dated a passionate girl, but she was too emotional. Everything was

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A little girl

A little girl was playing in the garden when she spied two spiders mating. “Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?” she asked. “They’re mating,” her father replied. “What do you call the spider on top, Daddy?” she asked. “That’s a daddy long legs,” her father answered. “So, the other

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On a special

On a special teacher’s day, a kindergarten teacher was receiving gifts from her pupils. The florist’s son handed her a gift. She shooked it, held it over her head, and said, “I bet I know what it is – flowers!” “That’s right!” said the boy, “but how did you know?”

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A precious little

A precious little girl walks into a pet shop and asks in the sweetest little lisp, “Excuthe me, mithter, do you keep widdle wabbits?” As the shopkeeper’s heart melts, he gets down on his knees, so that he’s on her level, and asks, “Do you want a widdle white wabby

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On the way

On the way to preschool, the doctor had left her stethoscope on the car seat, and her little girl picked it up and began playing with it. ‘Be still, my heart,’ thought my friend, ‘my daughter wants to follow in my footsteps!’ Then the child spoke to the instrument: “Welcome

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Great Pick Up Lines!

I wish I was one of your tears, so I could be born in your eye, run down your cheek, and die on your lips.Did you know they changed the alphabet? They put U and I together.Can I borrow that quarter, ’cause my mom told me to call home when

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Pick Up Line Rejections!

1. Man: “So, wanna go back to my place?” Woman: “Well, I don’t know. Will two people fit under a rock?”2. The most memorable rebuttal to a turn down (used by the guy who used to live across the hall from me in residence) when he asked a girl to

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