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Confession at Catholic Church

An old man named Gus walks into a Catholic church for a confession.

The priest pulls back the window, and Gus says:”Forgive me father, for I have sinned”

The Catholic priest says: “Tell me your confession, my son….”

Gus explains: “I am 75 years old, and I have recently started dating a woman that is 23-years-old. She is absolutely gorgeous, and we have been having unbelievable sex 3 or 4 times a day, every day…I can almost not catch my breath…shew is the best I ever had.”

The priest then asks: “How long have you been dating her?”

Gus replies: “About 3 months now…”

The priest then asks: “When was the first time that you confessed this pre-marital sexual relationship?”

Gus replies:”Today”

The priest asks:”Why is this the first time?”

Gus explains:”Actually this is my first ever confession”…

The priests (naturally) asks: “Why?”

Gus explains: “Well, actually, I’m Jewish…”

The priest is exasperated…”In that case, why are you telling me…???!”

Gus explains…

“I’m telling EVERYBODY I CAN… !!!”
