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Tag: egg

Total 20 Posts

Toddler Miracle Diet!

New Miracle Diet!Flabby people are always on the lookout for a new diet. The trouble with most diets is that you don’t get enough to eat (the starvation diet), or you don’t get enough variation (the liquid diet), or you go broke (the all-meat diet).Consequently, people tend to cheat on

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Ready for Parenting? Find out!

Here’s a sure-fire set of tests to check your parenting abilitites.This is about as close as you can get to the real deal! :)MESS TEST – Smear peanut butter on the sofa and curtains. Place a fish stick behind the couch and leave it there all summer.TOY TEST – Obtain

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2 Eggs

An old man and women are going out for a meal to celebrate there 50th anniversary.The old man is getting ready but cant find his shoes so he looks under the bed and finds a box with 2 eggs in it and a thousand pounds so that evening he questions

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Crazy English!

Let’s face it – English is a crazy language. There is no egg in eggplant nor ham in hamburger; neither apple nor pine in pineapple.English muffins weren’t invented in England or French fries in France. Sweetmeats are candies while sweetbreads, which aren’t sweet, are meat.We take English for granted. But

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Martha Stewart vs Me

Martha Stewart vs Me…Martha’s way: Stuff a miniature marshmallow in the bottom of a sugar cone to prevent ice cream drips. My way: Just suck the ice cream out of the bottom of the cone, for Pete’s sake, you are probably lying on the couch with your feet up eating

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Did you hear

Did you hear about the witch who turned her friend into an egg? She kept trying to poach her ideas.