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Tag: garden

Total 24 Posts

Too much attention

One evening a family brings their frail, elderly mother toa nursing home and leaves her, hoping she will be well caredfor. The next morning, the nurses bathe her, feed her atasty breakfast, and set her in a chair at a windowoverlooking a lovely flower garden. She seems OK, but aftera

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One day in the Garden of Eden…

One day in the Garden of Eden, Eve calls out to God, “Lord, I have a problem!” “What’s the problem, Eve?” “Lord, I know you’ve created me and have provided this beautiful garden and all of these wonderful animals, and that hilarious comedy snake, but I’m just not happy.” “Why

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Expressing Stupidity!

Lets face it, there are a lot of dumb people out there. Sometimes you want to express how stupid they really are and here’s how…An intellect rivaled only by garden tools.As smart as bait.Doesn’t have all his dogs on one leash.Doesn’t know much, but leads the league in nostril hair.Elevator

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