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Tag: son

Total 192 Posts

There was a

There was a young Scottish boy called Angus who decided to try life in Australia. He found an apartment in a small block and settled in. After a week or two, his mother called from Aberdeen to see how her son was doing in his new life. ‘I’m fine, ‘

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Actual stupid questions asked

|The below excerpts appeared in the Salt Lake Tribune. They were taken from real court records.Now doctor, isn’t it true that when a person dies in his sleep, in most cases he just passes quietly away and doesn’t know anything about it until the next morning?Q: What happened then?A: He

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The Baptist preacher

The Baptist preacher just finished his sermon for the day and proceeded toward the back of the church for his usual greetings and handshaking as the congregation left the church. After shaking a few adult hands he came upon the seven year old son of one of the Deacons of

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Going crazy with confusion

|A psychiatrist visited a California mental institution and asked a patient, “How did you get here? What was the nature of your illness?” He got the following reply.”Well, it all started when I got married and I guess I should never have done it. I married a widow with a

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Dear God: Yesterday

Dear God: Yesterday was an awful day for me… My husband ran off with his secretary, My son pierced his eyebrow, My daughter tattooed the bald spot on her head, My dog mated with the neighbors cat, My neighbor sold her house to a mental institution, My Mom told me

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Yesterday my daughter and I drove to the babysitters house to pick up my two-year old son. We were about to get in the car to go home when I noticed a baby birds in a nest in a nearby bush.I gently picked up one of the birds to show

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