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Category: Science

Total 58 Posts

Buffalo analogy

A herd of buffalo can move only as fast as the slowest buffalo, and when the herd is hunted, it is the slowest and weakest ones at the back that are killed first. This natural selection is good for the herd as a whole,because the general speed and health of

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New scientific theories VI

New scientific theoriesGRAND PRIZE WINNER: When a cat is dropped, it ALWAYS lands on itsfeet; and when toast is dropped, it ALWAYS lands with the butteredside facing down. Therefore, I propose to strap buttered toast to theback of a cat. When dropped, the two will hover, spinning inches above theground,

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New scientific theories V

New scientific theoriesHONORABLE MENTION: The quantity of consonants in the Englishlanguage is absolutely constant. If consonants are omitted in onegeographic area, they turn up in another. When a Bostonian “pahks”his “cah”, the lost r’s migrate southwest, causing a Texan to “warsh”his car and invest in “erl wells.”

New scientific thoeries IV

New scientific thoeries1st RunnerUp- If an infinite number of rednecks riding in aninfinite number of pickup trucks fire an infinite number ofshotgun rounds at an infinite number of highway signs, they willeventually produce all the world’s great literary works in Braille.

New scientific theories III

New scientific theories2nd RunnerUp- The ‘Why Yawning Is Contagious’ Theory: You yawnto equalize the pressure on your eardrums. This pressure changeoutside your eardrums unbalances other people’s ear pressures, sothey must yawn to even it all out.