Lesbians can also take Viagra. They don’t have to swalow it, they just let it melt in their tongues.
Category: Science
How do you tell if you are in a gay church? Only half the congregation is kneeling.
Two gay men were in bed fooling around when all of asudden the door bell rings. The first gay man tellsthe second, “Don’t cum until I come back”, and herushes off to answer the door.After a few minutes, he eagerly returns to the bedroomonly to find cum was all over
Q: How do you get AIDS from a toilet seat? A: If you sit down before the other guy gets off.
4 gay guys walk into a bar.There is only 1 4 legged stool left, how do they sit???They turn it upsidedown.Sent by GC
A big 300 pound, seven foot brute of a man walked into a bar oneevening and said to the bartender “Give everyone a drink exceptthat gay guy over there”About fifteen minutes later he gives the same order, “Give everyonea drink except that gay guy over there”The gay guy asks the
A woman orders a chicken sandwhich and starts to choke.People are running frantically, trying to figure outwhat to do. Two homosexuals sitting in the corner wisperto each other and run in front of the choking lady. Onestrips out of his overalls, bends over butt naked in frontof his friend. His