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Category: Medicine

Total 115 Posts

A famous surgeon went on a safari in Africa…

A famous surgeon went on a safari in Africa. When he came back, his colleagues asked him how it had been. “Oh, it was very disappointing,”he said. “I didn’t kill a thing. I’d have been better off staying here in the hospital.”

Five penises

A man goes into a doctor’s office and says “Doctor! Doctor! I have fivepenises!”The doctor says,”Good lord! How do your pants fit?”The man replies, “Like a glove.”

A memory problem

Patient: Doctor, I have a serious memory problem. I can’t remember anything!Doctor: So, since when did you have this problem?Patient: What problem?

Some problems

A woman gives birth by a Caesarian and passes out. When she comes to her senses, the doctor approaches her bed and says:”I’m sorry to tell you, Mrs. Smith, that your baby has some serious problems.” “What problems, doctor? I mean, when it arrives, I’ll love it. It’s my child

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My heart set…

A certain old gentleman thought his eyesight was going bad, and hewas advised to go to see an eye doctor. He goes in to see the doctor,and the doctor said, “All right, let’s check you out. You sit down hereon this stool. You put your right hand over your right

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