|Why are there so many, users of Windows?Don’t people have any pride?Windows is useless, and designed by morons,and Windows had got DOS inside.But some don’t care and continue to use it.I know they’re wrong, wait and see.Someday we’ll see it, the Windows rejection,the users, and Bill Gates, and me.Who said that every bug, would be found but left there?It seems so strange and bizarre.Microsoft thought of that, and millions accept it,look what it’s done, so far.What’s so amazing are all the delays inthe replacement for Windows 3.Someday we’ll see it, the Windows rejection,the users, and Bill Gates, and me.All of us under its spell,we know that it’s utterly tragic…Have you been not saving, and then torn your hair out,because of a G.P. fault?Is this the error, that occurs most often,and causes your system to halt?I’ve seen it too many times to ignore it,I think it is just s’posed to be.Someday we’ll see it, the Windows rejection,the users, and Bill Gates, and me.la, da da, lee, da la loo,a, la, la la, la lee la roo!