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The Perverse Guide To Getting Hired

The Perverse Guide To Getting HiredChapter 1 – The Resume Your resume is a crucial document that summarises theessence of your being to a potential employer. You must graba personnel director’s attention with your sheer, overpoweringwonderfulness, or your vitae will wind up lining the bottom ofher parakeet’s cage. Write a boring resume and you might as wellrun down now and join the other unemployed grads behind theappliance store, fighting for the choicest refrigerator carton tolive in. To grab an employer’s jaded eye you must create the writtenequivalent of a banshee wail! Print your resume on hunter’sorange paper, so it nearly leaps out of the stack. Experimentwith striking fonts, and use as many as possible. Writing yourname in 2 inch high 3-D Western style letters at the top says”Check ME out! I’m no shrinking violet!” Sprinkle a bit of yourmost sensual cologne on the sheet, and ladies, be sure to add agood lipstick smooch mark at the bottom. Don’t forget yourpicture, too! Be sure and staple several of your best 8x10glossies from Glamour Shots on top. Now that you’ve achieved that visceral “oomph”, it’s time topolish the contents to bring out or even invent your positivequalities. Remember, a skilled wordsmith can transform anyqualification or attribute, no matter how trifling, into asaleable skill. Let’s look at some examples of putting the best”spin” on a job seeker’s skills:”I flipped burgers for three weeks at Lardee’s.” A mere burger flipper? Why sell yourself so short?Describe yourself as a “Grill Co-ordinator”, or perhaps a”Culinary Technician”.”I subbed in for my nephew’s paper route one weekend.” Ah! So you were previously employed in “CommunicationServices!” Describe yourself as a “Journalism Representative.””I spent the last five years sitting on a couch eating Cheetosand watching Charlie’s Angels reruns.” You can transform the pathetic into the energetic byreferring to yourself as a “Consumer Broadcasting Specialist.”Let them know how much time you’ve wisely invested in “PopularDrama Studies.””I worked in telemarketing.” Die you scumbag.”I like to drink 3 or 4 bottles of Night Train wine and pass outin a puddle of my own urine.” I see! An “Alternative Hygiene Researcher” who throwshimself into his work! Always remember to use active, “can-do” language in yourresume, and be sure to include as many of the following terms aspossible: 1) Excellence (can’t get enough of this one!) 2) Goal-oriented 3) Forward-thinking 4) Like Working with People (as opposed to zoo animals) 5) Striving (everyone likes a striver!)It may be useful to define these as keyboard macros immediately.Chapter 2 – The Interview So now you’ve got that big chance to shine in person. Onceagain, you’ve got to stand out from the crowd! First, consideryour apparel carefully. Gold lame harem pants will leave alasting impression, as will a nice fish or penis tie, availablein classier novelty stores. Make these items staples of yourprofessional wardrobe. Next, practice that handshake, andconsider adding a little thumb twist manoeuvre or a good high-five. And remember, no one likes shaking dry, chapped hands, somake sure yours are damp when you leave the restroom. Now jumpright in, and distinguish yourself with your first words. Here’ssome suggestions for opening lines:”The voices told me I’m perfect for this job.””I can make an impressive incendiary device from just your tie,that pen, and a quart of anti-freeze.””Maybe you can’t tell, but I’m not wearing any underwear.””Let’s make this fast, I’m late for my medication.””The foil wrapped around my head is to block out invisible rays.””I was once abducted by a UFO, and the aliens let me pilot theirStarship.””I brought my invisible friend, is that okay?””I have the gift of second sight, and if you step on Flight 109,it will be your last!” Now that you’ve made a big impression, make sure you’ll haveplenty of time to expound upon your finer qualities. Considerhandcuffing yourself to the interviewer’s desk, or perhaps smearsuper-glue on your hand and grab them while shouting “Wonder twinpowers, activate!” Conclude the interview as notably as you began it. Agratuity is always welcome, so palm the interviewer a crisp newdollar in the closing handshake while saying “Guess Mr.Washington and I have this job wrapped up, huh? (wink, wink)”And certainly don’t forget the follow-up! Unless a restrainingorder has been obtained by the employer, call collect every hourthereafter to remind them of your sincerity.
