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Tag: theater

Total 12 Posts

Magicians Secret

During a recent vacation in Atlantic City, a couple went to see a popular magic show. After one especially amazing feat, a woman from the back of the theater yelled out, “Hey, how’d you do that?””I could tell you, madam”, the magician answered, “But then I’d have to kill you.”After

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Ghosts in a White House

One night Bill Clinton was awakened by George Washington’s ghost in the White House. “George, what is the best thing I could do to help the country?” Clinton asked.”Set an honest and honorable example, just as I did,” advised George.The next night the ghost of Thomas Jefferson moved through the

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Rigby drove into

Rigby drove into the city with his girl to catch their first play at a theater. Rigby rushed up to the box office and said, “Gimme two tickets for tonight’s show.” “Sorry,” said the box office attendant. “There are no seats left. We have only two standing rooms left.” “Well,

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Indiana Crazy Law

One man may not back into a parking spot becasue it prevents police officers from seeing the license plate. Baths may not be taken between the months of October and March. All males 18 to 50 years old must work six days a year on public roads. Mustaches are illegal

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Did you hear

Did you hear about the two Blondes that were found frozen to death in their car at the drive-in movie theater? They went to see “Closed for Winter”.

The Colonel’s Order

A COLONEL ISSUED THE FOLLOWING DIRECTIVE TO HIS EXECUTIVE OFFICERS: “Tomorrow evening at approximately 2000 hours Halley’s Comet will be visible in this area an event which occurs only every 75 years. Have the men fall out in the battalion area in fatigues, and I will explain this rare phenomenon

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College Degrees

A husband and wife were at a party chatting with some friends when the subject of marriage counseling came up. “Oh, we’ll never need that. My husband and I have a great relationship,” the wife explained. “He was a communications major in college, and I majored in theater arts. He

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