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Tag: Saint Peter

Total 24 Posts

Andy is God\’s son

A blonde dies and goes to the pearly gates of heaven to meet Saint Peter…He first tells her that the only way she can get through the gate is to pass a quite simple test.”What is The Son Of God’s name?” he asks.She thinks for a minute, rubbing her chin

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There was a Pope who was greatly loved by all of his followers, a man who led with gentleness, faith and wisdom. His passing was grieved by the entire world, Catholic or not.As the Pope approached the gates of heaven, it was Saint Peter who greeted him in a firm

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Lawyer In Heaven (Classic)

A mechanical engineer died & went to heaven. Upon arrival Saint Peter checked “THE BOOK” and didn’t find his name, so he informed the engineer that he must get on the elevator and go DOWNSTAIRS.Reluctantly the engineer boarded the elevator for the long trip DOWNSTAIRS and upon arrival in hell

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