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Tag: London

Total 21 Posts

Two Yanks touring

Two Yanks touring London in a taxi. What is that asked one of the Yank’s. Why that is Buckingham Palace answered the taxi driver. Well you should see the states we have much bigger houses over there, and that. That is the Post Office Tower. Oh our towers are much

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Windsor castle, outside

Windsor castle, outside of London, is directly in the flight path of Heathrow International Airport. While a group of tourist was standing outside the castle admiring the elegant structure, a plane flew overhead at a relatively low altitude making a tremendous amount of noise. One particularly annoyed tourist whined, “Why

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Stupid Insults 8/31

Couldn’t find his way through a maze even if the rats helped him. Couldn’t hit sand if he fell off a camel. Couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn if he were standing inside. Couldn’t pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel. Couldn’t think/pee his

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Signs and notices 18

These are supposedly actual signs that have been found in and around parts of England. Sign in a Laundromat AUTOMATIC WASHING MACHINES: PLEASE REMOVE ALL YOUR CLOTHES WHEN THE LIGHT GOES OUT Sign in a London department store: BARGAIN BASEMENT UPSTAIRS In an office: WOULD THE PERSON WHO TOOK THE

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On the Train

A WW II American soldier had been on the front lines in Europe for three months when he was finally given a week of R&R. He caught a supply boat to a base in the south of England, then caught a train to London. The train was extremely crowded and

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Top ten ways to annoy your waiter

|10. Eight hour lunch, two dollar tip.9. Ask, “Excuse me, are you a really bad singer, or a really bad actor?”8. After he describes each special, you shout, “Garbage!”7. Whenever he walks by, cough and mutter, “Minimum wage”.6. Every few seconds, yell, “More waffles, Cuomo!”5. Insist that before ordering, you

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