British Military Officer Fitness ReportsThe British Military writes OFR’s (officer fitness reports). The form usedfor Royal Navy and Marines fitness reports is the S206. The following areactual excerpts taken from people’s “206’s”….- His men would follow him anywhere, but only out of curiosity.- I would not breed from this Officer.-
Category: War
Two men were boasting to each other about their old army days. “Why, my outfit was so well drilled,” declared one, “that when they presented arms all you could hear was slap, slap, click.””Very good,” conceded the other, “but when my company presented arms you’d just hear slap, slap, jingle.””What
At the morning roll call at Fort Dix, the sergeant called out,”Platoon, atten-HUT! Private Martinez, report to the office. Your brother died last night.”The Chaplain, Rabbi Horowitz, looked on in horror. “Sergeant,” he saidafterwards, “that’s a rather cruel and unfeeling way to break tragic news. We must be more gentle
A young, freshly minted lieutenant was sent to Bosnia as part of the peace keeping mission. During a briefing on land mines, the captain asked for questions. Our intrepid solder raised his hand and asked, “If we do happen to step on a mine, Sir, what do we do?” “Normal