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Category: Politics

Total 94 Posts

A doctor, an engineer, and a politician…

A doctor, an engineer, and a politician werearguing as to which profession was older. “Well,” argued the doctor, “without aphysician mankind could not have survived, so I amsure that mine is the oldest profession.” “No,” said the engineer, “before life beganthere was complete chaos, and it took an engineerto create

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News from Washington

WASHINGTON, DC – Frustrated by failed attempts to turn public support away from the president, congress today announced it would begin releasing completely fabricated documents and videotapes on Monday.Speaker Newt Gingrich addressed the press at the Capitol this morning. “We feel that with the release of all the documents from

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One day Clinton goes to the bathroom…

One day Clinton goes to the bathroom, pulls down his pants,and much to his amazement, he finds a red ring around hispenis. So the next day he goes to his physician and the doctorsays, “I cant figure out what it is. So I’ll give you some medicine, and if it

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