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Category: Politics

Total 94 Posts

The Australian liberal party announced today…

The Australian liberal party announced today that they arechanging their emblem to a condombecause it more clearly reflects their party’spolitical stance :A condom stands up to inflation,halts production,discourages co-operation,protects a bunch of dicks,and gives one a sense of security whilescrewing others.

Fairy tales

A little girl asked her father, “Daddy? Do all Fairy Tales begin with OnceUpon A Time?”And he replied, “No, there is a whole series of Fairy Tales that begin with ‘If Elected I promise…’”


BUY YUGO WAR BONDSFor $25 US dollars you can invest in the future of a developingcountry just out of the clutches of communism.What your $$$ buyz: Russian ammo for one freedom fighter forone month for the ethnic clensing!Their motto: I wanns be like Ike! A little behind the times, BUT!They

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A new bucket

The ‘Kentucky Fried Chicken’ franchise has a new Bucketof Chicken out. It’s called the ‘Hillary Clinton Bucket.’It contains two small breasts and two large thighs.

Next US President

A redneck calles up the White House and tells the receptionist:”I’d like to become the next President of the United States.”The receptionist: “What are you, an idiot?”Redneck: “Why, is it required?”

The Yugoslav news agency Tanjug reported that…

The Yugoslav news agency Tanjug reported that Yugoslavianair defenses had shot down a NATO F-16 just after nightfallwhile the jet was on a bombing run. The plane crashed intoan empty field, creating a huge crater. Serbian search andrescue workers have recovered 307 bodies so far, provingthat NATO is using Albanian

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