If Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus had a child, what would he be called? A subordinate claus.
Category: Christmas Jokes
ELF: Santa, one of the reindeer swallowed my pencil! What should I do? SANTA: Use a pen.
Last year’s Christmas pudding was so awful I threw it in the ocean. That’s probably why the ocean’s full of currants!
Doctor, Doctor, Father Christmas gives us oranges every Christmas. Now I think I’m turning into an orange! Have you tried playing squash?
How do sheep greet each other at Christmas ? A merry Christmas to ewe
I’ve had a slight accident with your sleigh, Father Christmas! Father Christmas: Oh no! That sleigh was in mint condition! That’s all right….now it’s a mint with a hole!
Father Christmas: I thought I asked you to go out there and clear the snow! I’m on my way, Father Christmas. Father Christmas: But you only have one welly on! That’s all right! There’s only one foot of snow!